Biodegradable Materials Symp.

Symposium Audience

Symposium in Phoenix

We organized and chaired the International Symposium on Biodegradable Materials in Medical Applications during the 147th TMS Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ. March 11-16, 2018. This two-day symposium comprised of four technical sessions and 27 presentations including 4 keynote addresses. Presentation given by Dr. Ehsan Mostaed entitled “Progress on Bioabsorbable Zn Alloys for Vascular Stent Applications” was a shining presentation of this meeting that attracted attention of experts in the field of biodegradable implants.

The program was strong and well attended, and we expect to repeat this symposium in 2020. We also had opportunity to meet our former students, Dr. Jan-Marten Seitz, who spent one year with us as a postdoctoral fellow, and collaborators.

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